Wednesday, 8 July 2015

When an image speaks…

Ashley in Contentment
I was asked this question when a friend looked at the image above. “I wonder... is it the photograph that inspires you to say these thought provoking sayings.... or is what you are feeling at the time & the photograph matches your mood?”

I have taken a lot of images in my lifetime and viewed many more from the albums of others. I have always believed that if an image creates laughter, anger, loathing, sense of loss and any other emotion then it is a good image. As it has been said…

“A picture is worth a thousand words.”

There are moments when I will capture and image and I see many things in it. Like the one of Ashley above… I have a sense of contentment in my life… I have been through a long struggle as many of you know and with the realization of who I am as an individual has finally come to be. All through my work my imagery has been reflecting the inner me. Yes, I have done weddings, basic portraiture but the crux of my work… was from within my soul.

The images speak to me. 

A moment of reflection

At times I will run across an image of mine or the work of another that speaks to me and it does so to reflect that very moment of time. Occasionally I will stare at a scene before capturing it and find a peace, a feeling of wellness like in the chapel on Claudia’s farm. There were a few angles I have committed to my memory to take with me into oblivion as no camera could capture what I saw nor felt. When I read the bible in the chapel, I felt warmth, a near glow coming from the cross on the altar. I could see it but knew that this was just for me so I closed my eyes and prayed. While I am not a religious person… I am spiritual and I did feel something that day on the farm

Escape the darkness

Here is a dark side of what was… the inner me struggling to escape the shadows. This image tells me a story and with Savannah as the subject I can gaze upon it and see what was and what is. While I will never be as outwardly beautiful as Savannah I believe that I will radiate like she does with my own amazing aura. That comes from with-in. You see, when working with my subjects I will talk with them. Share stories of life, beliefs and wishes for the future. So, in some cases I will look at a photograph I have created and remember the entire conversation that lead up to the shutter being released. So when I look back and share an image with you I am reliving a moment of my life.

Cleansing oneself of the past

Often on location during the warmer months of the year brings a much different set of emotions and mind into play. It isn’t too often that I will become emotional while shooting but when I do, I share that emotion with whoever is there. I am not afraid of sharing tears and no one should be. Here, Tara’s image says many things… a look of loss, of wonder and of knowing. In the cleansing herself of the mud of her life, my life we have a fresh, clean perspective of what the universe had perhaps intended.

The images speak to me… 

Kindred spirit who has embraced my soul

Bree has brought many soulful moments and images to my work. She is a carpenter, photographer, naturalist, Mom and a super friend. We have shared imagery, gone to odd locations to create, talk, meditate and it is through the voice from the preserved images I can recall each moment and each connection we have made. I will carry on creating, listening and learning from one of the most vital women in my life other than my mom.

Imagery, photography, breathing and life are all an integral part of who I am. It is my life and my passion… a simple scene like in this image below will warm my soul and I simply must stop, stand within God’s light and splendor and give thanks for who I am and what I have become...

A road less travelled

The images speak to me 

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