Sunday, 10 April 2016

I am but one person... I am me.

Solitude can be a friend.
I have my own life path… it is mine to develop and take as I see fit. I feel there are changes I need to make for myself for my own reasons. The reasons are mine and are really no one else’s business. If I take hormones, if I plan on surgery, what changes I am experiencing and all of that is something I will share with those I choose. If I am supporting another trans person it may be a different story but there are few I trust with some things… and most of you know who you are.

Please call me by my chosen (and legal) name, there are few who will still call me by my birth name and I am OK with that as I do realize that after a few decades it is hard to change. I know you try and I am grateful for that effort. I am Dad to some and Poppa to others… that can never change and I am OK with that too. If you are wondering, the correct pronouns are always the best and for those who simply are not sure, they are pretty basic and include she and her. You will make mistakes and that is fine and expected as we are all human and this is a unique situation to be in.

In my zone as captured by Linda Millar

I am a human being and have feelings just like you do. I have health concerns and my body is going through many changes with the transition that I have undertaken for myself. Bear with me as emotions will sometimes overtake me and turn me into a puddle of useless flesh. There are times I will hug you tighter or longer, please understand I feel welcome and safe in your arms and I don’t want that to go away. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, my soul knows who it can trust and that comes through in an embrace of friendship and love.

I struggle most days with the same thing every other woman does. What to wear based on my preferences, hair, make-up… but each is a learning process for me. I will always dress for personal comfort regardless of what anyone says and I am not a make-up person although I do try from time to time. My hair… sigh… However I do have an appointment with a stylist and hair person who has demonstrated some innovative ideas for that. The one thing I will maintain is my passion for being natural. The silver and black I have now is super and I won’t be one to try and colour, hide roots… all of that. It is so much simpler that way.

I am me… all I have experienced over the past half century have made me the person I am… a woman with passion, life, goals, and a modicum of silliness in just the right dosage.