Monday, 1 July 2019

Social Media... Be gone!!

I have undertaken to remove things that hinder my progress in life and my art. There was a time when all I had was my blog and my webpage. With that I also had time to work, play and be a human being. I ditched Facebook nearly two years ago and don’t miss it or its drama, hunger for likes and all the other bullshit that was there. The same goes for Instagram.

On the studio IG page there were handy links which included my webpage, proper email address and even my telephone number but everyone chose to ignore that and expect a message sent through Instagram would get to me in a timely manor. Only problem was I didn’t pay a lot of attention to the messages and they would sit for a day or two. I even sent a list of studio dates to a potential subject only to see it unread 10 days later. Once they actually replied that date they wanted was booked and they had the gall to accuse me of not taking the initiative. Needless to say they are totally gone as far as I am concerned and a “report” has been filed with the photographer’s black list.

I move on, free of the time wasted on social media and back to life as it was. Deal with it people, my email and phone number are plainly listed for all to see.

Now to brush the cat...

1 comment:

  1. Tara Leatherdale1 July 2019 at 13:30

    This is a beautiful right up and I completely agree with you and I have always kept up on your web page I really quite enjoy it and I enjoy reading your blog. I will send you an email to see if we can solidify a date for this summer I'm really looking forward to working with you Sarah
